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2 Mukhi Rudraksha


Two Mukhi- This Mukhi is ruled by Moon(chandra).It is held to cure diseases of heart, lung, brain,left eye, kidney,intestine etc caused by the maletic effects of moon.

 Beneficiary for Cancer(karka).

 2 Mukhi Mantra- “Om Om namah”

Two Face Rudraksha is symbolic to Ardha Narishwar (Shiv and Parvati). It denotes trustworthiness and devotion. It reflects efficiently on married life of a couple. Good for mental peace and pregnancies. 2 Mukhi Rudraksha effectively control the malefic effects of Moon . It brings unity like the family unity in form, speech and Meaning. Being capable of getting riches and virtuous off springs by wearing two faced Rudraksha, it’s wearer becomes capable of leading peaceful and sacred life and the wearer’s family finds the reverence and faith continuously increasing among them.It gives source of fertility in all living beings and the blessings of marital felicity.


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